What Can You Expect When Hiring A Pro To Trim Your Trees?

There are some very real benefits of having your trees trimmed. Trees that are routinely trimmed tend to grow in a more desirable shape. They may also be less prone to disease, and they are less likely to be damaged during a storm or strong winds. But what can you expect when you call a tree trimming company and arrange for them to come to trim your trees? Take a look. 

They'll start by asking what trees you want to be trimmed

You do not necessarily need to have every tree on your property trimmed. Maybe you only want to have the more overgrown or damaged ones trimmed. If so, just point those trees out to your tree trimmer and ask them to leave the rest of the trees alone. If you're not sure which trees could benefit from trimming, you could instead ask the tree trimmer to use their best judgment. They can point out the trees they think need the most help, give you a quote for working on those trees, and go from there.

They'll generally bring large equipment

When you hire a tree trimming company, you're not just getting someone with a pair of shears. Tree trimming companies generally send out full-size trucks with buckets or ladders that allow the workers to reach the taller parts of the tree. So, make sure there is a path by which a truck can reach your trees. You may need to ask some neighbors to move their cars, and you may need to put away some patio furniture or toys for a few days.

They will inform you if a tree needs to be removed

You're hiring this company to trim your trees, but you can generally count on them to tell you if a trim won't be enough to save your tree. If the trimmer finds that a tree is badly diseased, or that it has major limb damage that it won't recover from, then they may advise you to have that tree removed. They should run this by you and give you a quote before they remove the tree though. You can arrange to have the tree removed at a later date if preferred.

Now you should have a better idea of what to expect when you have your tree trimmed. If you have any other questions, reach out to a tree care company in your area.

Contact a local tree trimming service, such as GE Tree & Crane Service, to learn more.
