5 Dangerous Tree Removal Situations

Removing a tree always comes with some risks, but some removal situations are more dangerous than others. Only a professional tree removal service should take down the tree if any of the following conditions are present.

1. Widow Makers

Large dead branches in your tree's crown can fall at any time, causing injury to anyone below. These branches are called widow makers, and they also pose a danger during removal. The vibrations that occur when cutting into the tree can shake a widow maker loose, which means it can crash down on the person sawing below. Special care must be used during removal if there are dead branches in a tree.

2. Power Lines

Special precautions are needed when removing a tree that has grown into overhead power lines in order to avoid electrocution. In some cases, your removal service must have the power cut temporarily in order to ensure safety. Even trees that are near power lines require special care during removal to ensure that they don't fall into the lines.

3. Hang Ups

Blown-down trees sometimes get hung up in other nearby trees or on buildings. These trees can be unpredictable in how they will roll once they are disentangled, which poses a risk to removal workers as well as the risk of more damage to any structures involved. Special safety precautions are needed. Your removal service may also need to use cranes or other special tools to better control the tree as it is removed.

4. Tight Spaces

Trees growing right against a wall or in a narrow spot between two structures are dangerous because there isn't a lot of room to work. The tree will fall somewhere, and in a tight space, there is a higher chance that it may fall on the structure or the workers trying to remove it. For this reason, cranes are often used during removal so that there is complete control over how the tree comes down.

5. Extreme Height

Removal of a tall tree requires the use of climbing harnesses and rigging, and there is still a great risk of injury even with this equipment. Further, there is a greater chance of damage below from a falling branch or trunk section. The arborists and removal technicians that work on tall trees must undergo in-depth training to learn how to remove the tree without damage or injury.

A local tree service can help you remove a tree safely and efficiently. For more information, contact a company near you.
