Tips For Maintaining Your Plum Tree

When it comes to fruit trees, plum trees are a great choice for most any yard. Unfortunately, they can also quickly overtake the yard if not pruned appropriately. In fact, plum trees will gain both height and width if they aren't managed, and that wild growth can actually cause fruit production and quality to suffer. By trimming your plum trees each year, you'll encourage new growth and fresh buds, which will help preserve the quality of the fruit. Read More 

How Can You Tell If A Tree Is In Danger Of Falling?

Winter snow storms and ice storms can impact sick trees in a variety of negative ways. Cold temperatures and heavy ice can worsen a tree's condition, leading to broken branches. In the worst-case scenario, diseased trees may get knocked over by the wind or ice. Falling trees can damage homes, cars and even injure people. Now that winter is here, homeowners who have one or more sick trees on their property may find themselves wondering if their trees are in danger of falling. Read More 

Three Different Approaches To Correcting The Bent Appearance Of A Tree In Your Yard

Every once in a while, you have a tree that grows out of your yard that you did not plant there yourself. Usually, it is a product of squirrels burying nuts and seeds, or a wayward wind depositing seed pods in your yard. While you may not be opposed to free and natural landscaping, you may be opposed to a tree that appears to be growing crooked. If you consult a tree trimming service, you may be advised of the following approaches to treating the crooked tree's appearance. Read More 

3 Tree Diseases That Strike Texas Cottonwoods – And How To Prevent Further Damage

The Texas cottonwood is a short, wide tree that grows best along ponds or rivers. Texas cottonwoods have greenish-tan bark, green leaves that turn bright yellow in the fall, and a cotton-like substance that grows off the leaves. These trees are a beautiful addition to a yard along the water. Texas cottonwoods are also a great "for now" landscaping choice while you try to decide on more permanent, higher maintenance trees as the cottonwoods don't have a terribly long lifespan. Read More 

Tips For Pruning Ornamental Cherries, Plums, And Crabapples

Not all fruit trees are planted for fruit, nor do they even bear fruit. Ornamental cherry trees, for example, include true cherry trees and those that don't produce fruit. Ornamental plums and crabapples produce fruit, but not always of edible quality. Instead, these landscape trees are prized for their attractive spring flowers. Proper pruning ensures they bloom fully each year, and the following tips can help. Tip #1: Timing Is Everything Read More